Home 〉Services 〉Study Room

About The Study Room Guidelines

  • The Study Room is located on the 2F floor of the Social Science Library and is divided into three areas: A, B, and C. Laptops, keyboards, mice, calculators, and other noise-making devices are allowed in Areas A and C, not in Area B. Readers must set their cellphones, tablets, and laptops to silent mode in the Study Room
  • The Study Room is located on the 2F floor of the Social Science Library and is divided into three areas: A, B, and C. Laptops, keyboards, mice, calculators, and other noise-making devices are allowed in Areas A and C, not in Area B. Readers must set their cellphones, tablets, and laptops to silent mode in the Study Room

Instructions for use study room

There are two computers with a seating system on the right side of the entrance to the study room.

For other instructions, please refer to theNational Taiwan University Website

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