Can foreign institutes/centers apply for photocopy of NTU libraries' books or journals?

QuestionCan foreign institutes/centers apply for photocopy of NTU libraries' books or journals?

Guidelines for Foreign Institutes/Centers: Applying for Photocopy Service

1. Purpose
To establish a channel for information exchange and to enhance the interaction of information communication between the Library and foreign institutes/Information centers.

2. Who May Apply
Anyone connected to foreign academic research institutes and information centers.

3. Services
In compliance with the copyright law, the Library provides photocopy service for books, periodicals, reports and doctoral dissertations/ masters' theses. Copied materials are limited to teaching/research purposes.

4. Where to apply 
All requests must be sent to:
Readers Service Department
National Taiwan University Library
1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 106, ROC

5. Fees
(including the cost of photocopy, air postage, and service charge)
Periodicals, books: USD$10.00 for every 10 pages or under (one-sided copies)
Dissertations, theses not protected by copyrights: USD$55.00 per document.

6. Payment
Please make payment in U.S. Dollars with a prepaid check or money order, payable to National Taiwan University.
Copied materials and receipts will be sent promptly after receiving payment.


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