Where are the newspapers?

QuestionWhere are the newspapers?
  1. Please check the location of the newspapers in the online catalog (SLIM).
  2. Main Library  (Floor Layout):
    • Daily Newspapers & Newspapers of the current month— located on Compact Stack Room on 2F.
    • Newspapers dating 1~2 months prior— newspapers from the same month are bound together. Binding takes approximately 3~4 months before they are placed in the Compact Stack Room on 2F. If the newspapers are not available, please refer to electronic databases or find them in other libraries.
    • Bound Newspaper Volumes dating after 1994— located in the Compact Stack Area on 2F.
    • Bound Newspaper Volumes before 1993— available in form of microfilm located in the Special Collections Area on 5F. Most recent collections include:
      • 中央日報 Central Daily News (1951.01.01-1994.12.31, 1999.01.01-2002.06.30)
      • 中國時報 China Times (1969.01.01-2002.06.30)
      • 經濟日報 Economic Daily News (1987.01.01-2000.12.31)
      • 聯合報 United Daily News (1951.09.16-2000.12.31)
    • The Special Collections Area on 5F of the Main Library has 18 newspapers in microcopy, which are part of the Taiwan Historical Documents Collection 台灣史料彙刊.  Also, other newspapers in microcopy are located in the Compact Stack Room on 2F.
  3. Social Sciences Library (Koo Chen-Fu Memorial Library): houses newspapers for up to one year.
  4. NTU Library also subscribes to several databases of full-text newspaper articles.
